is this it?

2 weeks ago I met with the counselor at the boys school and the youth mental health counselor — Barb, from the Health Unit…
Sam’s first visit with barb is today after lunch. I think he is ok with it but who knows anymore…
Josh will be meeting with the school counselor — we figured for now ‘if it ain’t broke…’ but ever since I told Josh I would have having the meeting he would ask when it was… like almost everyday…
Now since the meeting he knows who he will be talking with and asks daily when it will be… finally yesterday i told him that if he needs to talk to go to Mr. Swanton on his own. Its ok to do that.  So he said he might…
This kind of makes Dennis and I wonder…
What is on his mind?
Does it have anything to do with the accident?
Or is it an unrelated issue?
Josh is the ‘strong silent’ type of guy. He won’t tell you anything unless you p-u-l-l it out of him. This is good when it comes to the fact that he is not a whiner about stuff, but when there is stuff — it is hard to get it out of him….
but when it does pile up…
look out.
He is emotional and it is hard to believe that he held it all in so long…
Today is a day where I am FINALLY home — all day! So I will spend it cleaning, doing laundry, working on my ecourse and praying for my boys today.

I wonder if this is what I have been feeling has been coming?

All I can do is pray

1 Comment

  1. Jodi,Your family is beautiful. I love your blog and the way you share your journey.Keep writing!Blessings,Melissa

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